
Below are listed all consequence datasets that NYC Emergency Management has collected to date. Clicking on the name of the dataset will expand the field and provide a high level description of the data. Clicking on Details will bring you to a more detailed view of this dataset and how it relates to the currently selected hazard event.
Time Range:

5/27/2004 12:00 AM - 9/10/2023 11:59 PM




Advisories and closures issued by DOHMH as a result of rainfall, and/or sampling of water at public and private beaches throughout NYC.


Wet weather notifications are issued automatically based on rainfall triggers. Pollution advisories are sample driven, based on sampling done at all beach locations. Sampling can be routine, or can be triggered by rainfall. Beach closures generally occur as a result of certain sampling results. Some data has been excluded from this dataset for cases in which notifications had no relation to weather or weather-related impacts. As per DOHMH: Water quality conditions are analyzed on a regular basis and beaches are classified as either "Open for Swimming," "Under Advisory," or "Closed – Restricted for Swimming and Wading." Beaches classified as “Closed” or “Under Advisory” may be contaminated with sewage or storm runoff. Contact with contaminated water may cause illnesses such as vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, respiratory illness and infections.

Time Range:

4/15/2007 7:25 AM - 10/30/2012 5:54 AM




The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Individuals and Households Program (IHP) provides financial help or direct services to those who have necessary expenses and serious needs if they are unable to meet these needs through other means. Up to $33,000 (adjusted each year) is available in financial help, although some forms of IHP assistance have limits. Flood insurance may be required as indicated below. These forms of help are available:

  • Housing Assistance (including Temporary Housing, Repair, Replacement, and SemiPermanent or Permanent Housing Construction) and
  • Other Needs Assistance (including personal property and other items)

Time Range:

2/17/2003 1:00 AM - 10/30/2012 5:54 AM




FEMA's Public Assistance (PA) grant program provides federal assistance to government organizations and certain private nonprofit (PNP) organizations following a Presidential disaster declaration.

PA provides grants to state, tribal, territorial, and local governments, and certain types of PNP organizations so that communities can quickly respond to and recover from major disasters or emergencies.

Through the program, FEMA provides supplemental federal disaster grant assistance for debris removal, life-saving emergency protective measures, and the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster-damaged publicly-owned facilities, and the facilities of certain PNP organizations. The PA program also encourages protection of these damaged facilities from future events by providing assistance for hazard mitigation measures during the recovery process.

The federal share of assistance is not less than 75 percent of the eligible cost. The Recipient (usually the state) determines how the non-federal share (up to 25 percent) is split with the subrecipients (eligible applicants).


FEMA aggregates claims to an asset level and quantifies their federal share obligated.

Time Range:

8/9/1976 12:00 AM - 8/1/2023 12:00 AM




Damage values attributed to flooding related issues on private properties. NFIP is applicable to residents in all events, not just disaster declarations.

The National Flood Insurance Program aims to reduce the impact of flooding on private and public structures. It does so by providing affordable insurance to property owners and by encouraging communities to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations. These efforts help mitigate the effects of flooding on new and improved structures. Overall, the program reduces the socio-economic impact of disasters by promoting the purchase and retention of general risk insurance, but also of flood insurance, specifically.

Time Range:

1/6/2004 12:00 AM - 3/23/2024 11:59 PM




NYC resident reported flooding as a result of heavy rains or other water related hazard.


Any service requests as routed from the NYC 311 system through the NYC Department of Environmental Protection. These complaints originate from NYC residents who witness the consequence first hand. Complains include: street flooding, highway flooding, clogged/obstructed catch basins, and flooding in basements, as reported by individuals via the 311 system.

Time Range:

No historical data at this time.




NWS Text Products issued for the NYC forecast area by the Upton, NY weather office (OKX). Historic text products have been archived by the Iowa Environmental Mesonet (IEM), with newer products being regularly added to the tool. Products include severe weather messaging for the NYC area and surrounding metro areas, prior to, during, and after severe weather occurs.


Each NWS Text Product is issued due to a variety of weather-related triggers. For example, a Flash Flood Watch statement has triggers related to rain, whereas an Air Quality Alert will be due to triggers relating to heat or humidity or atmosphere.

Time Range:

11/29/1999 12:00 AM - 4/3/2016 12:00 AM


Event-based and Daily


A variety of metrics regarding DSNY Operations during severe weather events, including resources used during a winter storm event, as well as household garbage and recycling daily tonnage, at the citywide level, as collected by DSNY.


DSNY records all operations and materials used, during both storms and blue sky days. For the purposes of the mitigation project, DSNY reviewed its records and pulled the metrics for the timeframes of the events as given by NYCEM.

DSNY aggregates the tonnage of household refuse, metal/glass/plastic, and mixed paper collected citywide each day. The data is recorded separately by the three types, and kept in a database in house at DSNY.

Time Range:

9/7/2000 12:00 AM - 6/25/2021 12:00 AM




Daily DOE school attendance records


DOE requires all schools to track the number of students who are present/absent/released for every school day of the school year. These numbers were provided for by DOE, grouped by school “organization”. Attendance is organized into three categories, “present”, “absent” and “released”. Total enrollment by day was assumed to be the sum of all three categories. In order to attribute a location to each school organization, it was assumed that the primary school building for that organization could represent the location for all of the students in question.

Time Range:

6/1/1920 12:00 AM - 10/1/2023 12:00 AM




Tide Gauge Flood Stage definitions:

Minor Flooding: Represents minimal or no property damage but possibly some public threat (e.g. inundation of roads).

Moderate Flooding: Signifies some inundation of structures and roads near the coastline or stream and possible evacuations of people and/or transfer of property to higher elevations.

Major Flooding: Indicates extensive inundation of structures and roads and significant evacuations of people and/or transfer of property to higher elevations.


Observed tide gauge readings at tide gauges monitored by the Stevens Flood Advisory System via the Urban Ocean Observatory at Davidson Laboratory. To determine surge levels, this tool displays the observed water levels at each gauge and compares them to flooding thresholds determined by the Flood Advisory System.

Time Range:

9/24/2008 12:19 PM - 6/29/2023 6:53 PM




Tree Emergency datasets:

Service Requests: (placeholder)

Work Orders: (placeholder)

